Business Contact Manager


Attila Csokai

I have recently instaleld the Outlook Business Contact Manager for Outlook,
but the only thing I see the added help file under Program Files. I searched
this file to tell me how to start it, but there is no reference to it
anywhere in the Outlook Help menu or any other menu. I don't see any
changes, or add-ons in Outlook or the Contacts.
I am using Office Pro 2003, OUtlook connecting to Exchange on a SBS 2003.

Any tips?


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

microsoft.public.outlook.bcm is probably a better place to post this

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Attila Csokai asked:

| I have recently instaleld the Outlook Business Contact Manager for
| Outlook, but the only thing I see the added help file under Program
| Files. I searched this file to tell me how to start it, but there is
| no reference to it anywhere in the Outlook Help menu or any other
| menu. I don't see any changes, or add-ons in Outlook or the Contacts.
| I am using Office Pro 2003, OUtlook connecting to Exchange on a SBS
| 2003.
| Any tips?
| Attila

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