Business Contact Manager...

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Hansberry
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David Hansberry

I have Office Professional Edition 2003, and don't see
any "business Contact Manager" options in any menus. IS
this an "add-in" of some sort? Microsoft's site says I
have a version that's supposed to have it. What am I
missing, and where can I get it?
It's on a separate CD in the Pro retail and small business packages.
If it is installed you will have a menu called "Business Tools" in your
outlook. If was not part of my Microsoft Office Professional Enterprise
Edition 2003 that came with my MSDN subscription, it was on a seperate CD
called Microsoft Contact Manager for Office Outlook 2003. see if you got
that CD with your version of office. Some OEM versions of office come with
Contact Manager for Office Outlook 2003. Here is the link for install
instructions on how to install Contact Manager.,HP,HA,RC,FX,ES,EP,DC,XT