I initially installed Business Contact Manager with my new version of
Microsoft Office SME but it did not install and i have so far uninstalled and
reinstalled twive. So far, i get no Business manager on my Outllook Task bar
and having checked under Outlook help,nothing is disabled. However i keep
getting a window popping up saying the following:
Managed MAPI Service Catastrophic Failure
File or assembly name Iris.Mapi.Message Store,or one of its dependancies,
was not found
Can anyone help please???I would like to get my Business Manager to
work.What do i need to resolve this problem???
Reply urgently awaited
Microsoft Office SME but it did not install and i have so far uninstalled and
reinstalled twive. So far, i get no Business manager on my Outllook Task bar
and having checked under Outlook help,nothing is disabled. However i keep
getting a window popping up saying the following:
Managed MAPI Service Catastrophic Failure
File or assembly name Iris.Mapi.Message Store,or one of its dependancies,
was not found
Can anyone help please???I would like to get my Business Manager to
work.What do i need to resolve this problem???
Reply urgently awaited