I purchased Standard Edition 2003 because it had the programs I needed and
didn't have the ones I didn't. However, NOW business contact manager update
is availble for Outlook. But it is ONLY with Pro and Small Business
Editions? Not fair. It is an OUTLOOK add in not an additional program like
say, Publisher. aAnd I did purchase Outlook with my Standard Edition. I
feel I should be able to have access to this Outlook add in! I'd certainly
use it. I'd like a mechanism to add in Business Contact Manager or at least,
an upgrade price to change from Standard to Small Business Edition. Is there
a means to this that I have not discovered (other than shelling out another
$400 for software that duplicates what I alrady bought last year --except for
this feature?) I feel cheated by the Evil Empire yet again..
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didn't have the ones I didn't. However, NOW business contact manager update
is availble for Outlook. But it is ONLY with Pro and Small Business
Editions? Not fair. It is an OUTLOOK add in not an additional program like
say, Publisher. aAnd I did purchase Outlook with my Standard Edition. I
feel I should be able to have access to this Outlook add in! I'd certainly
use it. I'd like a mechanism to add in Business Contact Manager or at least,
an upgrade price to change from Standard to Small Business Edition. Is there
a means to this that I have not discovered (other than shelling out another
$400 for software that duplicates what I alrady bought last year --except for
this feature?) I feel cheated by the Evil Empire yet again..
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.