I hope I understand your question correctly, but I’ll let you know what I can
as follows:
We do not currently have a specific server set up so that they can connect
to it when out of the office. I have purchased a machine for the office big
enough to do the job and installed BCM there and it’s up and running fine. We
are in a serviced office and we can get whatever connectivity we need. We use
POP email, synchronised with Outlook now (not ideal but works ok).
The users are in the office say once every 2 weeks and all have laptops, all
well spec’d with BCM working. When working remotely they all have access to
a dial up connection, a 3G data card or a broadband connection.
What I would like is either:
a) users to synchronise with the d/b then work offline to update records
then to re-synch with the d/b centrally (either remotely or when next in the
office), or;
b) Users to be able to use BCM by connecting to the office central machine.
Option A is my preferred route but I’ll tale what I can get at this stage!
I hope I have made sense and that you can advise me. I guess I’m confused
about the differences between SBS and Exchange etc and what I really need.
In short, I run the business and want everyone to have access to the data
wherever they are.
By the way, I would like to be able to separate the accounts in BCM so that
specific users only access their own accounts but that’s a limitation in the
software and probably outside of this conversation
Thanks in advance.