Burning to DVD - Going Nuts Rapidly



After what seems weeks I've managed to copy an old vhs tape through
moviemaker. Its on the drive saved as an wmv file and also mswmm file. I
want to burn to dvd to watch, all I can currently do is burn to cd which my
dvd player wont play. I have a dvd burner and software, inc nero.

How do I save the file to burn it onto a dvd or a disc to watch on the dvd
player. Pls kep it simple I get lost in coputer speak sometimes.



Jake said:
... I have a dvd burner and software, inc nero.
How do I save the file to burn it onto a dvd or a disc to watch on the dvd
player. Pls kep it simple I get lost in coputer speak sometimes.

You need a DVD authoring software to make "DVD Video".

Nero comes with such a software called "Nero Vision Express 3". Run that
software and open your movie in it. Make the dvd menus and chapters etc
and burn from within that software.


Thanks for your time and help, I'm onto it now

Rehan said:
You need a DVD authoring software to make "DVD Video".

Nero comes with such a software called "Nero Vision Express 3". Run that
software and open your movie in it. Make the dvd menus and chapters etc
and burn from within that software.


Just made my 1st project (pictures and sound) in movie maker. Was able to
put on CD, but really struggling trying to put on DVD. I've read on here
about saving project into different files, but...when I go into SAVE PROJECT
AS...my ONLY option is *.MSWMM. I have nero and movie factory, but nothing
seems to work. Please, if anyone can help, please do so in simple terms...as
I'm really confused with all this computer lingo. Thanks so much!


Maryann said:
... when I go into SAVE PROJECT
AS...my ONLY option is *.MSWMM. I have nero and movie factory, but nothing
seems to work.

To save as movie, use menu File -> "Save MOVIE As"
or press key Ctrl-P
or use the "Save to my computer" under "Finish Movie" step on the left
hand task bar.

In the Save Movie wizard, first screen allows you to select a name for
the saved movie and the next screen is "Movie Settings". Click on "Show
more options..." and you will have all the different options to select.
Select DV AVI from the drop down box and complete the remaining steps.


try DVD Santa, very simple to use
You need a DVD authoring software to make "DVD Video".

Nero comes with such a software called "Nero Vision Express 3". Run that
software and open your movie in it. Make the dvd menus and chapters etc
and burn from within that software.


YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! Thanks for all your help! Tonight...I made my first
DVD! Thanks again! Maryann

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