Burning large films to a 700md and playing on dvd player

  • Thread starter Thread starter Belprice
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Dear all,

I have a problem that is driving me mad and although I don’t have a clue to
the solution I hope one of you experts can help.

I have dozens of home digital videos on my hard drive and I want to copy
these to disk and play them on my DVD player. The problem is I only have a cd
rewritable drive and therefore can only use 700mb cd-rw disk and some of the
videos/home movies are much bigger than this in size.

In my ignorance I thought if I bought some 4.7 gb 120 DVD-r disks , I could
use these and all my problems would be over..Alas I was wrong as my computer
could not even read or recognize these disks. , let alone copy my videos to

Therefore I was wondering if its somehow possible for me to either shrink
these movies so that I can fit them unto my 700mb disk or if there is some
other way around this problem. I am completely useless so I would be grateful
if any replies could include idiot instructions, such as what software I need
to use and a step by step breakdown of the process I would need to follow.

Thank you so much in advance.
From: "Belprice" <[email protected]>

| Dear all,

| I have a problem that is driving me mad and although I don’t have a clue to
| the solution I hope one of you experts can help.

| I have dozens of home digital videos on my hard drive and I want to copy
| these to disk and play them on my DVD player. The problem is I only have a cd
| rewritable drive and therefore can only use 700mb cd-rw disk and some of the
| videos/home movies are much bigger than this in size.

| In my ignorance I thought if I bought some 4.7 gb 120 DVD-r disks , I could
| use these and all my problems would be over..Alas I was wrong as my computer
| could not even read or recognize these disks. , let alone copy my videos to
| them.

| Therefore I was wondering if its somehow possible for me to either shrink
| these movies so that I can fit them unto my 700mb disk or if there is some
| other way around this problem. I am completely useless so I would be grateful
| if any replies could include idiot instructions, such as what software I need
| to use and a step by step breakdown of the process I would need to follow.

| Thank you so much in advance.

You need DVD Authoring software such that the videos (MOV, AVI, MPEG, etc) will be
playable on a DVD Player.
Hi David ,

Thanks or the reply.

Forgive my ignorance but if I use the kind of software you mention , can i
burn onto a large video onto a 700 mb disk and play this on my home dvd
From: "Belprice" <[email protected]>

| Hi David ,

| Thanks or the reply.

| Forgive my ignorance but if I use the kind of software you mention , can i
| burn onto a large video onto a 700 mb disk and play this on my home dvd
| player.
| thanks

No. Like I said you need DVD authoring software for a DVD Player to play a DVD disc.

Examples, I use:
Ulead VideoStudio
ArcSoft ShowBiz 2
Belprice said:
Hi David ,

Thanks or the reply.

Forgive my ignorance but if I use the kind of software you mention ,
can i burn onto a large video onto a 700 mb disk and play this on my
home dvd player.

A DVD disk is not the same as a CD disk. Go spend $25 and replace your
CD-RW drive with a DVD/CD-RW drive.

Another handy program to have is DVD Shrink.

These sites may help you...



dadiOH's dandies v3.06...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at http://mysite.verizon.net/xico
If this a desktop computer, it is a simple and relatively inexpensive matter
to replace your CDRW drive with a DVDRW drive. If a laptop, it's more
involved, but generally doable also.
you should simply buy a dvd

internal ones are relatively

but external ones are easily
installed via a usb connection.


DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- Microsoft Partner
- @hotmail.com
~~~~~~~~~~"share the nirvana" - dbZen
Belprice said:
Dear all,

I have a problem that is driving me mad and although I don't have a
clue to the solution I hope one of you experts can help.

I have dozens of home digital videos on my hard drive and I want to
copy these to disk and play them on my DVD player. The problem is I
only have a cd rewritable drive and therefore can only use 700mb
cd-rw disk and some of the videos/home movies are much bigger than
this in size.

In my ignorance I thought if I bought some 4.7 gb 120 DVD-r disks , I
could use these and all my problems would be over..Alas I was wrong
as my computer could not even read or recognize these disks. , let
alone copy my videos to them.

Therefore I was wondering if its somehow possible for me to either
shrink these movies so that I can fit them unto my 700mb disk or if
there is some other way around this problem. I am completely useless
so I would be grateful if any replies could include idiot
instructions, such as what software I need to use and a step by step
breakdown of the process I would need to follow.

Thank you so much in advance.

First, you need a DVD optical drive. They are quite inexpensive these
days and easy to get. Purchase the best one you can easily afford; most
of them can play DVD -RW and DVD +RW or more likely both types.
CDs and DVDs are not the same and CDs cannot be burned with movies
such that they will work properly in a standard desktop player.

Usually they recommend the +R or +RW types; use whatever the
documentation recommends for DVD types. Since these are probably for
posterity and not to ever be reused, plain +R (not RW) is all you'll
need. They're a little cheaper most places but once written to, cannot
be erased and used again. For that you'd need RW (read and write).

Then you need software to use for the actual burning of the DVDs. XP
does not have such software programs provided with it. There are a lot
of brands available. IMO Roxio and Nero are the two better ones for
inexperienced people. Read the entire Install/User manuals all the way
through at least one time.

Unless I'm having a brain fart that's all you should need to burn your
home movies to DVDs that will play on any DVD player, desktop or PC. I
like Roxio personally but Nero is cheaper price wise.

If you want to edit/change the home movies, adding titles and fades,
etc., they you'll need more software and it's relatively expensive (well
over $100). Personally I use Ulead for that, but Adobe also makes a
good one. I'm not familiar with any others so don't recommend them only
for that reason. I only recommend things I have personal experience

DVDs of the type you're likely to get claim to hold 4.7 Gig of data. As
you're getting started, pay close attention to HOW you burn them.
Depending on the mode you choose, you may or may not be able to get a
full 4.7 Gig of data on the DVD. In other words, be sure to choose the
right type of DVD when you get to burn-time. Be sure it indicates it
will play on most all DVD players or however they word it.

Have fun! It's good to get that stuff on a more permanent media like
DVD and you'll be glad you did.



From: "Twayne" <[email protected]>

< snip >

| Unless I'm having a brain fart that's all you should need to burn your
| home movies to DVDs that will play on any DVD player, desktop or PC. I
| like Roxio personally but Nero is cheaper price wise.

< snip >

You are having a brain fart :-(

DVD Players do not recognize standard DVD data disks with movie files such as; MOV, AVI,
MPEG, etc.
You have to take those file formats and use authoring software to create a DVD movie disc
for DVD players.
Dear all,

I have a problem that is driving me mad and although I don’t have a clue to
the solution I hope one of you experts can help.

I have dozens of home digital videos on my hard drive and I want to copy
these to disk and play them on my DVD player. The problem is I only have a cd
rewritable drive and therefore can only use 700mb cd-rw disk and some of the
videos/home movies are much bigger than this in size.

In my ignorance I thought if I bought some 4.7 gb 120 DVD-r disks , I could
use these and all my problems would be over..Alas I was wrong as my computer
could not even read or recognize these disks. , let alone copy my videos to

Therefore I was wondering if its somehow possible for me to either shrink
these movies so that I can fit them unto my 700mb disk or if there is some
other way around this problem. I am completely useless so I would be grateful
if any replies could include idiot instructions, such as what software I need
to use and a step by step breakdown of the process I would need to follow..

Thank you so much in advance.

Ping Ken Maltby at "rec.video.desktop" or "alt.video.dvd.authoring".
He's the fundi for this problem. :-)
Good luck.
Dear all,

I have a problem that is driving me mad and although I don?t have a clue to
the solution I hope one of you experts can help.

I have dozens of home digital videos on my hard drive and I want to copy
these to disk and play them on my DVD player. The problem is I only have a cd
rewritable drive and therefore can only use 700mb cd-rw disk and some of the
videos/home movies are much bigger than this in size.

In my ignorance I thought if I bought some 4.7 gb 120 DVD-r disks , I could
use these and all my problems would be over..Alas I was wrong as my computer
could not even read or recognize these disks. , let alone copy my videos to

Therefore I was wondering if its somehow possible for me to either shrink
these movies so that I can fit them unto my 700mb disk or if there is some
other way around this problem. I am completely useless so I would be grateful
if any replies could include idiot instructions, such as what software I need
to use and a step by step breakdown of the process I would need to follow..

Thank you so much in advance.

I have thousands of home video's in various formats - I bought the Nero
Suite of progams and one of the apps in the suite permits me to select
multiple COMPUTER FORMAT video files and convert and burn them to DVD
Player format file on a standard DVD+R disk. It takes hours to convert,
but it's worked perfectly hundreds of times.
David H. Lipman said:
From: "Twayne" <[email protected]>

< snip >

You are having a brain fart :-(

DVD Players do not recognize standard DVD data disks with movie files
such as; MOV, AVI, MPEG, etc.
You have to take those file formats and use authoring software to
create a DVD movie disc for DVD players.

Actually, they will: the one in the LR will play mpegs and two other
types. But that's not the point: If you were able to read the whole
thing in proper context, you'd come out fine. All you need is someting
that creates the proper IFO, VOB, etc files and off you go. And guess
what can do them?

What a moron! Too lazy to even go and check your facts before you
ejaculate. When you don't know what you're talking about, ... don't. I
quote from Roxio:
Creator makes it easy to capture, enhance, save and share your photos,
videos and audio projects. Burn and copy CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs,
edit video and create Hollywood-style DVDs, digitize LPs and so much

Things have changed a lot since you were functional and many of the old
walls between functions have been lowered or disappeared.

It's also quite apparent you have lost interest in helping people and
instead have turned troll; congrats of becoming a bottom-feeder. You're
really half-fast lately.
Belprice said:
Dear all,

I have a problem that is driving me mad and although I don't have a
clue to the solution I hope one of you experts can help.

I have dozens of home digital videos on my hard drive and I want to
copy these to disk and play them on my DVD player. The problem is I
only have a cd rewritable drive and therefore can only use 700mb
cd-rw disk and some of the videos/home movies are much bigger than
this in size.

In my ignorance I thought if I bought some 4.7 gb 120 DVD-r disks ,
I could use these and all my problems would be over..Alas I was
wrong as my computer could not even read or recognize these disks.
, let alone copy my videos to them.

Therefore I was wondering if its somehow possible for me to either
shrink these movies so that I can fit them unto my 700mb disk or if
there is some other way around this problem. I am completely
useless so I would be grateful if any replies could include idiot
instructions, such as what software I need to use and a step by
step breakdown of the process I would need to follow.

Thank you so much in advance.

Purchase an external (USB maybe) DVD writer. Get a DVD authoring
application. Combine those two on your computer of choice to do what it is
you really want to do.

Need further help around the subject:


There you will find product reviews, tutorials and even a peer-to-peer forum
like this, but centered around video production, editing, storage, etc - and
not centered around the "Help and Support" feature found in "Windows XP"
like this particular newsgroup is. ;-)