The ver is creating NavExcel folder
and about 15 registry key to be picked by
the AdAware utility to be crippleware.
This version has messed up my desktop
shortcut links. It has linked my Windows Explorer to my ie dialup shortcut.
I mean to say that clicking the w|e shortcut it
brings up the dialup login screen.
I cleared these entries by adaware to put it right then burn4free
"preferences" bring the
message "burn4free has caused an error in
burn4free.exe and it will close now"
Can someone please explain NavExcel and
NavHelp? What they do?
Is the time has come to say good bye to
Comments and helping clues from other users
would be appreciated as well as alternatives?
and about 15 registry key to be picked by
the AdAware utility to be crippleware.
This version has messed up my desktop
shortcut links. It has linked my Windows Explorer to my ie dialup shortcut.
I mean to say that clicking the w|e shortcut it
brings up the dialup login screen.
I cleared these entries by adaware to put it right then burn4free
"preferences" bring the
message "burn4free has caused an error in
burn4free.exe and it will close now"
Can someone please explain NavExcel and
NavHelp? What they do?
Is the time has come to say good bye to
Comments and helping clues from other users
would be appreciated as well as alternatives?