Buried Treasure In Burma: Squadron Of Lost WWII Spitfires To Be Exhumed

Jun 4, 2006
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Like a treasure chest stuffed with priceless booty, as many as 20 World War II-era Spitfire planes are perfectly preserved, buried in crates beneath Burma -- and after 67 years underground, they're set to be uncovered.

The planes were shipped in standard fashion in 1945 from their manufacturer in England to the Far East country: waxed, wrapped in greased paper and tarred to protect against the elements. They were then buried in the crates they were shipped in, rather than let them fall into enemy hands, said David Cundall, an aviation enthusiast who has spent 15 years and about $200,000 in his efforts to reveal the lost planes.

The 62-year-old man -- a British farmer by trade -- realized the fate of the aircraft thanks to an offhand comment a group of American veterans made to a friend, he told the Sydney Morning Herald.
Read the whole story at Foxnews.com


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Great story Zema, it's wonderful to think those buried Spitfires might be able to be flown again.
Yeah, they will be used on our next generation of aircraft carriers as we have nothing else to fly from them. :D
I'd love it if they could get a few flightworthy aircraft from this - what a haul that would be! :D
Fantastic news, but will we ever get any of them back to blighty!
I read this story some time ago. The story said that the British governament is going to buy them up,do them up and use them on the new aircraft carrier that is being built,save buying exspensive American war planes......could be true who knows/
Would be nice if one or two made it back to their country of origin, let's hope it pans out.

As for all you cynics who seem to think we have no defense anymore - you're right! :D

David Cameron has attempted to justify defense cuts by saying that in the event of an invasion he will appoint Corporal Clegg as his batman and defend Dover personally with his father's antique shotgun that was previously used to hunt rabbits.

So that's alright then :)

Rolls Royce Griffon engines and 440mph. Drool.
I suppose legally they still belong to the Ministry of Deference:lol:

Whats the Ministry of Defense then?

Actually just read that properly lol DOH

Maybe Ministry of Indifference would be a better term to use? :)

Government can't seem to make their minds up what they doing with it
"Yeah, they will be used on our next generation of aircraft carriers as we have nothing else to fly from them"

You would have to convert them to seafires first and have a catapult installed an the new aircraft carriers, but I doubt we cauld afford ether the aircraft conversion or the rubber band for the carrier, nivrip:cry:
I don`t know how anybody else feels about this but don`t you think that over the last,let`s say 40 years, that this country, under what ever party,has had bad govenance. I would almost say on the edge of treason by some of our "leaders" Don`t you think that things have gone to far when a democratic country,for example,cannot send back a person who could be a potential danger to the country,that prisoners in jail should have the vote.All these and many more all at the behest of the E.U. And this country just jumps through the hoops and says "yes sir at once sir" It`s as though our leaders have given up on running the country on behalf of the people,the electorate. And it seems pointless to vote for anyone now because they all seem to be the same. So the next incumbent in will do the same as the last lot,or nothing at all.
:mad:I am with you historian we have been stitched up from the day we came out of FETA to join the Common Market which was described as a free trade area by the politicians of the time and since that time no matter their color. The people of this country want the politicians to speak in simple straight forward language and not the lies and half truths and tell it as it is. Over the years since the end of the fifties we have degenerated as a country, it makes me want to cry. Bring back morals, manners, civility, pride and sense of belonging that we once had. Royal Navy now two rowing boats and a Lil, Army Regiments reduced to a company and amalgamated with other regiments that have been reduced, Royal Air Force reduced to a defense force. All arm's over stretched and relying on reserve forces(a citizens army like the US) what a crime. Once the pride of the country the NHS being sold off to for profit companies, Schools not able to produce young people who have trained to be able to join the adult world, Oh I must get off my soap box. I must add that the problem is to do specifically with this particular government but applies to all the governments whatever colour over the last fifty years or so.:cry:
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Gordon Bennet, youse two remind of them two fellas in the opera box in The Muppets :lol:

Times change, some things get better, some get worse but as a lot of folk are born grumps and cynics they tend to see only the bad side of what's going down.

I was born at the start of the fifties and I'm glad things changed, all that 'respect your elders' enforced religion and expectation that you'd respect a person cos they're older or supposedly superior to you - wottalotta cobblers :D

My generation - the 'baby boomers' as they're known - were possibly the first to challenge the plummy English lifestyle and did largely change things. The Sixties were a new age and I can remember a definite sense of optimism though that may just have been cos I was a teenager of course, I'm not sure. Or possibly the drugs, lol ;)

The state of our nation - and I'll concur things could be better - is not all home grown, the greater part of things are shaped by external forces, not least our forelock-tugging to the USA and, of course, our EU membership.

Funny thing is, when we were first invited to joinn the Common Market (as it was then known) we turned it down, which was pretty stupid as it probably would have been advantageous then. So we joined years later just as the rot was setting in. Then in later years they let all the riff raff in and from what I can see our membership is costing us money now.

As for politics I'll agree all parties are now just different shades of blue (except, perhaps, for the Greenies who imo are all nutters) & also imo the rot started when Blair became Prime Minister and as a lifelong Labour voter it pains me to say that but I think it's true. Tony Blair was as much a Labour Party Member as Stalin would have been, the actions him and his party carried out in their long and painful tenure were atrocious.

And now we have the nurgle twins, the double c's Cameron & Clegg, what a win double. Their actions make Blair look like a kindly Teddy Bear.

Anyhow, for those who think everything's gone to pot, it ain't neccessarily so, remember the past always looks better viewed with rose tinted glasses so all you ageing Teddy Boys get a balanced view and remember that ripping up cinema seats and having running gang fights down the Edgware Road was probably worse than what the majority of youngsters get up to now.

EDIT: I've just realised I've spouted a lot of personal political views, don't want to start a ruck so please remember it is just my opinion and as such is pretty much worthless in the general scheme of things so please don't take umbrage at any of my comments ;)
I object to the term of aging teddy boy I went from school too being a Boootneck, rough't up some teddy boys in Exeter one night because they beat up a loan recruit in a dance hall for no reason and the police took no notice. :p Yes I do agree with you to a certain degree floppy many things were wrong in the fifties but manners and civility also the community spirit that was around at that time, much of that has disappeared. Until we moved here I lived in Maidstone in a KCC office site the only people I knew to speak to were the people who lived opposite. Now we live in a small village there is a community spirit here and by that I mean people do stop and talk and they look out for others and the more vulnerable in our community. As far as your political views I think I am the same as you.:D
Blimey, this started as a thread about Spitfires in Burma !!
