If you do it that way you are creating a lot more work for
yourself than is necessary. See
html for some valuable help with this. I cannot urge you
strongly enough to take the time to learn about styles (as
Word uses the term).
Here is a quick fix that will probably work for a simple
list. Click the down arrow in the Style box on the
toolbar (it is probably to the left of the Font box).
Select List Bullet (if it is not there, press Shift while
clicking the down arrow). Click List Bullet, and try
typing a bulleted list (or select a list, then click List
Bullet). If it looks OK, you're all set. If it doesn't,
click Format > Style > Modify > Format > Paragraph, and
set the Space After to 12 pts. Make other adjustments to
bullet, font, indent, etc. in the same way. This is the
route in Word 2000. I couldn't say for sure about other
versions, but it is similar, I believe.
If List Bullet is not on the Styles drop-down list, click
the Bullets icon, then Format > Paragraph, and set Space
After to 12 pts. With the cursor still in the paragraph,
click into the Styles box, type Custom Bullets (or
whatever), and press Enter.
Do not press the Enter key to create space between lines.
Really. A word processor is not a typewriter. It will
work much better for you if you stop thinking in
typewriter terms. Let it do the grunt work.
There is a lot more to using styles than I can explain
here. See the link above to get yourself started.
-----Original Message-----
I'm not sure if it's the right way or the best way, but I stumpled across this:
When you have your number 1 item completed, hit enter.
Then, hit enter again, and you'll be taken to your left
margin. Hit enter again, and you'll have your double
space. THEN click on Bullers & Numbering again (I have
the icon right on my toolbar), and your "2" will appear,
and all the items after that should follow suit -- i.e.
all the items should be double-spaced.