Have you seenhttp://word.mvps.org/faqs/general/wordproconvertercontent.htm.
You can download an AmiPro converter from my web site.
AmiPro was brilliant! All it needed was for it to be updated to use long
filenames, but instead Lotus lost the plot and replaced it with WordPro
which was crap! Exit Lotus!
Many years ago, James Fallows (who was The Atlantic's correspondent in
China for the longest time) gave a brillkant write-up to Lotus Agenda
in that magazine -- it was a sort of primitive relational database
that combined what seem to be the functions of Access and Outlook. I
got the last copy at one of the earliest computer stores in
Chicagoland -- it might have been a BestBuy -- and not long after,
lucked into aftermarket books on both v.1 and the one I have, v.2.
It was for DOS. I wonder whether it would work on Vista, or Windows 7
-- and whether the installation diskettes are still readable.
BTW, speaking of which, the Wall Street Borders already has five full
shelves of Windows 7 books, and it's not available for a week and a
half yet.