Lastnight, I cleaned out OE ( I use it to post here) and both my http://
based webmail accounts I have - to include their bulk folders. This morning
I get up and there were already 48 items in my ISP Bulk folder w/
attachments all 180K in size from some trojan bot named Bhu** something or
other. ** indicates a range between a and z, 0 thru 9.
Since I notice alot of you use bogus reply to email lines in the headers of
your posts, and I'd love to know how you do this -- and two...if this is an
effective solution to deal with chitloads of Spam I seem to get.
based webmail accounts I have - to include their bulk folders. This morning
I get up and there were already 48 items in my ISP Bulk folder w/
attachments all 180K in size from some trojan bot named Bhu** something or
other. ** indicates a range between a and z, 0 thru 9.
Since I notice alot of you use bogus reply to email lines in the headers of
your posts, and I'd love to know how you do this -- and two...if this is an
effective solution to deal with chitloads of Spam I seem to get.