Bulk change of mail server settings for outlook

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I am having trouble finding a way to configure all of the clients that will
be connecting to a new exchange servers we are installing for a customer. I
am trying to find some way that I can remotely change the mail server that
the clients connect to. I have looked at the office resource kits and you
cannot change mail account details through group policy with the admin
templates provided. I need to be able to do this for outlook 2003 and XP. Any
help or sugestions would be greatfully received.
Microsoft uses text files with a .prf extension and a highly structured format to provide information to OUtlook that enables Outlook to create or modify a mail profile. You can create such .prf files with the Custom Installation Wizard or Custom Maintenance Wizard tools in the Office Resource Kit. For more details, including a variety of .prf deployment methods, read the excellent white paper "Configuring Outlook Profiles by Using a PRF File" at http://office.microsoft.com/search/redir.aspx?assetid=HA011403051033&QueryID=pHm7c_60I&respos=3

The page at http://www.slipstick.com/exs/olroam.htm includes information on other profile tools and resources.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
Thanks that is just what I needed :) I love anything that saves me having to
go to 500 PCs and change things manually. Thank you also for such a prompt
and detailed answer.
Paul said:
Thanks that is just what I needed :) I love anything that saves me having to
go to 500 PCs and change things manually. Thank you also for such a prompt
and detailed answer.
Paul/Sue- how did you address the userid field? we have users logging in
locally in this scenario and need to have the prf file prompt for a domain
user id for the mailbox field. Our current prf file tries to connect using
the local login ID and although it prompts for server credentials on a run,
it will never resolve the mailbox name automatically.

Thanks for any suggestions!
