In our organisation, we opted to use HP 9100 Digital Senders. These can scan
in one or more documents and automatically produce a PDF file (colour or
black & white) that is placed in a designated directory on the network or
can be sent directly to someone's email address from the scanner. The
sender itself sits on a network IP and all of the scanning/PDF creation is
handled by the scanner itself. Everything is fully configurable via a
software utilities and it also has a built-in configuration utility that can
be accessed directly with a web browser. The sender also has a number of
user configurable buttons each of which can be configured to send the
document to different locations on the network (i.e. for different types of
document etc.)...
For the cost of buying the specialised hardware, it saved us hours of having
to design and build scanning functionality into our application. All we have
needed to do is to write some functionality that enables the user to view
and select the created PDF files which they then 'attach' to specific
policies within our system.
If you haven't already bought any scanning hardware then is definitely
something I would recommend looking into. I understand that some
photocopiers also have add-on modules that enable them to do the same sort
of thing.