Target Designer provides the option of selecting a Build Type as either Debug
or Release. When I select Debug for the Build Type, the image fails to boot
properly. When deployed, the image first displays the Windows screen with the
boot progress bar and then issues an error indicating "load needed dlls for
kernel". When I perform the build with the Build Type set to Release, I don't
encounter this problem. Has anyone else encountered this problem? My concern
is that perhaps this indicates some other problem with the build or the
settings I'm using that is being masked by the Build Type selection. Thanks.
or Release. When I select Debug for the Build Type, the image fails to boot
properly. When deployed, the image first displays the Windows screen with the
boot progress bar and then issues an error indicating "load needed dlls for
kernel". When I perform the build with the Build Type set to Release, I don't
encounter this problem. Has anyone else encountered this problem? My concern
is that perhaps this indicates some other problem with the build or the
settings I'm using that is being masked by the Build Type selection. Thanks.