Adam Leinss
Hi guys.
I've been commissioned to take all of our separate hardware images (3
for laptops and 4 for PC hardware) and combine it into one master
The model of the PC I started with was a PDS Infinity BR-2. I took
the standard image for this model and extracted all drivers into C:
\install\driver\br2\audio, C:\install\driver\br2\video, etc. I then
added these paths to the OEMPnpDriversPath statement of my
sysprep.inf file. I also added the appropriate entry for the BR-2's
IDE controller to the [SysprepMassStoreage] section. I then ran
"sysprep -pnp" and it came back up. It went great except for the
video driver. For some reason during the mini-setup it's looking for
a ialmnt5.sys file in C:\winnt\drivers\intel\graphics. However, if I
hit the drop down box the first entry is "C:\install\driver\br2
\video". If I select this path and hit OK it goes through! So I
tried to find this path statement through all the files on the hard
drive and the registry, but the only entry I could really find was
"<WINDIR>\drivers\intel\graphics" in some data1.hdr file in C:
\install\driver\br2\video. I took a hex editor and edited the
statement to my driver path, but it still refuses to look in my video
I could of course copy the video drivers into the C:\winnt\drivers
\intel\graphics, but other pieces of hardware also use Intel chipsets
for their video display and cramming those drivers into the same
directory would not be ideal.
I also could not see how to extract the chipset driver for the
motherboard. I assume that if I run chipset setup's for 7 pieces of
hardware on the same image Windows just loads the appropriate INFs
based on the hardware?
I read that Windows will also load all the of the mass storage
drivers in the [SysprepMassStorage] section and that you should run
"sysprep -clean" in a cmdlines.txt file during the syspre to clean
those out. Is this for real? Isn't the whole point of placing the
unique PCI device id in this section to show Windows which driver to
load for each piece of hardware? Does it really load a IDE driver
for EVERY driver listed in this section on hardware that might only
need one of these drivers?
I did a little Google searching on sysprep and the OemPNPDriversPath
statement, but if anyone has a guide on someone doing this "in the
trenches" that would be great.
I've been commissioned to take all of our separate hardware images (3
for laptops and 4 for PC hardware) and combine it into one master
The model of the PC I started with was a PDS Infinity BR-2. I took
the standard image for this model and extracted all drivers into C:
\install\driver\br2\audio, C:\install\driver\br2\video, etc. I then
added these paths to the OEMPnpDriversPath statement of my
sysprep.inf file. I also added the appropriate entry for the BR-2's
IDE controller to the [SysprepMassStoreage] section. I then ran
"sysprep -pnp" and it came back up. It went great except for the
video driver. For some reason during the mini-setup it's looking for
a ialmnt5.sys file in C:\winnt\drivers\intel\graphics. However, if I
hit the drop down box the first entry is "C:\install\driver\br2
\video". If I select this path and hit OK it goes through! So I
tried to find this path statement through all the files on the hard
drive and the registry, but the only entry I could really find was
"<WINDIR>\drivers\intel\graphics" in some data1.hdr file in C:
\install\driver\br2\video. I took a hex editor and edited the
statement to my driver path, but it still refuses to look in my video
I could of course copy the video drivers into the C:\winnt\drivers
\intel\graphics, but other pieces of hardware also use Intel chipsets
for their video display and cramming those drivers into the same
directory would not be ideal.
I also could not see how to extract the chipset driver for the
motherboard. I assume that if I run chipset setup's for 7 pieces of
hardware on the same image Windows just loads the appropriate INFs
based on the hardware?
I read that Windows will also load all the of the mass storage
drivers in the [SysprepMassStorage] section and that you should run
"sysprep -clean" in a cmdlines.txt file during the syspre to clean
those out. Is this for real? Isn't the whole point of placing the
unique PCI device id in this section to show Windows which driver to
load for each piece of hardware? Does it really load a IDE driver
for EVERY driver listed in this section on hardware that might only
need one of these drivers?
I did a little Google searching on sysprep and the OemPNPDriversPath
statement, but if anyone has a guide on someone doing this "in the
trenches" that would be great.