William C Gates
Hi All,
I have searched for an option to allow me to build a path of a closed workbook yet allow the index formula to reference that 'built' path; an 'Add-in' was the main result, but the websites with the add-in no longer works...so I'm asking you experts!
Here is my sample Data ('...' is used to reduce path string):
Row Column A Column B
1 Folder 2014 This Cell will change yearly
2 Folder 2014-04 This Cell will change monthly
3 File Date 04.30.14 This Cell will change monthly
4 Sheet Name Notes Payable Roll
Formula entered in cell A7
="...\Audit Workpapers\"&A1&"\"&A2&"\Note Payable\[Loan Roll Forward - "&A3&".xlsx]"&A4&"'!V80")
(A): Results from above function
...\Audit Workpapers\2014\2014-04\Note Payable\[Loan Roll Forward - 04.30.14.xlsx] Notes Payable Roll'!V80
This Index Formula works fine when the path is manually entered:
=INDEX('...\Audit Workpapers\2014\2014-04\Note Payable\[Loan Roll Forward - 04.30.14.xlsx] Notes Payable Roll'!V80,1,1)
How can I get the Index Function to work when I want to reference '(A)' above (Cell A7 Formula)?
When using the Index Function to build, I either get the entire path of the closed worked book in the cell or a '#VALUE!' error.
My Thoughts that didn't work:
=Index("...\Audit Workpapers\"&A1&"\"&A2&"\Note Payable\[Loan Roll Forward - "&A3&".xlsx]"&A4&"'!V80,1,1)
I know =Indirect will only work on an open workbook; but that is the only formula I can think of that will allow me to build a file path that will return a result.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
I have searched for an option to allow me to build a path of a closed workbook yet allow the index formula to reference that 'built' path; an 'Add-in' was the main result, but the websites with the add-in no longer works...so I'm asking you experts!
Here is my sample Data ('...' is used to reduce path string):
Row Column A Column B
1 Folder 2014 This Cell will change yearly
2 Folder 2014-04 This Cell will change monthly
3 File Date 04.30.14 This Cell will change monthly
4 Sheet Name Notes Payable Roll
Formula entered in cell A7
="...\Audit Workpapers\"&A1&"\"&A2&"\Note Payable\[Loan Roll Forward - "&A3&".xlsx]"&A4&"'!V80")
(A): Results from above function
...\Audit Workpapers\2014\2014-04\Note Payable\[Loan Roll Forward - 04.30.14.xlsx] Notes Payable Roll'!V80
This Index Formula works fine when the path is manually entered:
=INDEX('...\Audit Workpapers\2014\2014-04\Note Payable\[Loan Roll Forward - 04.30.14.xlsx] Notes Payable Roll'!V80,1,1)
How can I get the Index Function to work when I want to reference '(A)' above (Cell A7 Formula)?
When using the Index Function to build, I either get the entire path of the closed worked book in the cell or a '#VALUE!' error.
My Thoughts that didn't work:
=Index("...\Audit Workpapers\"&A1&"\"&A2&"\Note Payable\[Loan Roll Forward - "&A3&".xlsx]"&A4&"'!V80,1,1)
I know =Indirect will only work on an open workbook; but that is the only formula I can think of that will allow me to build a file path that will return a result.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you