building and submitting a form bound to a recordset



Hi group-

I have a form that is bound to a SQL database in an adp project. I have
disabled navigation buttons on the form.

I would only like for users to be able to submit a new record. If the user
closes the form or cancels, this record should not be saved in the database.

How do I achieve this submit 'on click' event? Once the user clicks the
submit button, all the form controls should basically be a new row in the
table; however the very simple code below does not provide the
functionality. I expected that the record would be a in the database, and
the form refreshes to basically a new record. The form does refresh to a new
recordset, but i don't see the old one stored in the database.

Private Sub Submit_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

I am further more confused, because even though the navigation buttons are
disabled, when i do Mouse Up and Mouse Down, I can view the form I just
submitted, that is not available in the data table. The form and database
are both in the same ADP project.

Insight would be most helpful!


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