Building and Installing the application in the device(Compact frame work)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Malathi T via
  • Start date Start date

Malathi T via


I have an XML file called Settings.xml which has the key and values for the IP Address, server name etc. When I tried to build and launch the application into the device via the MSI, my Settings.xml is not getting loaded in to the device. (It is not in the cab file). But if I buid the cab files uisng the BUILD CAB under the Build Menu, I could see the contents of the xml file in the clear text format, and it runs properly according to the configuration settings in the xml file. Could any help me to load the the xml file in to the device when I am still using the MSI to launch the application into the device.


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Set the Build Action property on your Settings.xml file to "Content" in
Visual Studio, then rerun Build CAB
to ensure it is included in the smart device application CAB.

- Darren haffer
I found that I forgot to copy and past the new version of the INF file after
including the Settings.xml in the project. I realized that I copied and
pasted the new inf. Now it works fine.

Thanks for the reply