I have a combo box that is based on a group box. Here's the code
120 Select Case grpDept.Value
Case 1
130 strDept = "Administrative"
140 Case 2
150 strDept = "Food Service"
160 Case 3
170 strDept = "Maintenance"
180 Case 4
190 strDept = "Ops. A-Days"
200 Case 5
210 strDept = "Ops. A-Nights"
220 Case 6
230 strDept = "Ops. B-Days"
240 Case 7
250 strcnt = "Ops. B-Nights"
260 Case 8
270 strDept = "Programs"
280 Case 9
290 strDept = "Programs/Chaplin"
end select
Dim flag As String
flag = "true"
490 cboloc.RowSource = "Select qrySupervisor2.tblmain.[lname] & ', '&
qrySupervisor2.tblmain.[fname], qrySupervisor2.tblmain., [email1]" & _
"From qrySupervisor2 " & _
"Where qrySupervisor2.location = '" & strDept & "' " & _
"Order by qrySupervisor2.Location;"
Line 490 is the line that builds the information for the combo box. The
problem I'm having is that it displays all information. I want it to display
just the information where [email1] = true.
I've tried using "Where qrySupervisor2.email1 = True" plus the rest of the
location statement. all I keep getting is errors no matter how I put them in.
SELECT [lname]+ ', '+[fname], FROM qrysupervisor2, where [email1]=true;
ORDER BY [Lname];
And that didn't work. Right now any help would be much appreciated.
120 Select Case grpDept.Value
Case 1
130 strDept = "Administrative"
140 Case 2
150 strDept = "Food Service"
160 Case 3
170 strDept = "Maintenance"
180 Case 4
190 strDept = "Ops. A-Days"
200 Case 5
210 strDept = "Ops. A-Nights"
220 Case 6
230 strDept = "Ops. B-Days"
240 Case 7
250 strcnt = "Ops. B-Nights"
260 Case 8
270 strDept = "Programs"
280 Case 9
290 strDept = "Programs/Chaplin"
end select
Dim flag As String
flag = "true"
490 cboloc.RowSource = "Select qrySupervisor2.tblmain.[lname] & ', '&
qrySupervisor2.tblmain.[fname], qrySupervisor2.tblmain., [email1]" & _
"From qrySupervisor2 " & _
"Where qrySupervisor2.location = '" & strDept & "' " & _
"Order by qrySupervisor2.Location;"
Line 490 is the line that builds the information for the combo box. The
problem I'm having is that it displays all information. I want it to display
just the information where [email1] = true.
I've tried using "Where qrySupervisor2.email1 = True" plus the rest of the
location statement. all I keep getting is errors no matter how I put them in.
SELECT [lname]+ ', '+[fname], FROM qrysupervisor2, where [email1]=true;
ORDER BY [Lname];
And that didn't work. Right now any help would be much appreciated.