Building A PC & wondering about Arianet 460W PSU

Feb 12, 2007
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Hi.. Nice forum going on here..!

I found answers to some of the strangest problems (!) I encountered actually building a PC for the first time on this forum.

I was kind of hoping that someone might answer a question I have..

I have an Arianet 460w PSU that was in the case -the whole thing only costing £25!
So, I can't imagine it would work that great but I'm not reading any bad press about it.

In the case I have
Intel E 6600CPU, ConRoe945G-DVI motherboard
7950GT 512mb
2x1gb 667DDR2
1x250gb SATA HD
DVD Burner.

Running XP Pro

The problem I have is trying to run a 7950GT gfx card -the computer only boots one in 7-8 times of reset and won't reset by software or case button at all. The card is not recognised in device manager -well, it was once, briefly, with a CODE 12 error going on -when DM updated it vanished.
When I take the card out from the PCIE the computer works fine and there are no problems.

I have the card connected to the PSU via a cable that splits into two normal power connectors.

I have not installed Intel onboard VGA drivers -still leaving this with a question mark in device manager.

My suspicion is that the PSU is not up to the job??!! Has anyone heard of these -do they actually run at this power?

Some help would be very much appreciated, ChEErS!
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Well in my opinion that PSU is frankly rubbish, and with a nice spec system like that i would prefer a nice branded 500W+ PSU in the pc. A quick Google led me to one 'brand new' going on Ebay for less than a quid! If you can get another one to try out from someone i would try that first. :)

But error code 12 is a code from DM that there is not enough resources left for the card...See here

See how that goes and let us know. :thumb:
It is a "numbers game" all manufactures like to play ... my favorite game. ;)

Total power ratings IS actually be a very bad indicator of the quality of the supply.

In my opinion, you should look at the combined 3.3v/5v power ratings instead. These ratings are displayed on every ATX PSU ... if they ain't, then dump the PSU.

You can check for this by looking on the amperage rating chart on the PSU (open the case up and look). Somewhere on that chart it will tell you the 3.3/5v combined power rating.

+3.3V rated 38A = 125.4W
+5V rated 44A = 220W
+3.3V plus +5V = 220W max

I have seen 300W PSUs out-perform a 500W using that simple calculation.

Be also aware of the "rated" amps on these lines ... higher is better.

Here is the one I use in my main rig ...

However ...
I have not installed Intel onboard VGA drivers -still leaving this with a question mark in device manager.
No drivers = errors ... code12 error is, in general, a conflict with another device. The correct drivers may sort this out.

Welcome to the forums. :D
Wow, thanks for your help!

I just got to get some cash together and then going to get a new PSU.. what you sayin' makes sense..

Forgot to mention that the PC beeps twice (one long and then short)
and then six more times when the card is installed after reset!


PS. The PSU also says:

"+3.3v & +5v max output =260w EXTEND to 460W"

I put £600 worth of kit on a £10 PSU and wondering why I got power probs -D'Uh!
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Forgot to mention that the PC beeps twice (one long and then short) ...

Well, that is a different ball game ... take your pick.
muckshifter said:

Well, that is a different ball game ... take your pick.

Whatever is going on it seems to mean graphics card problem.. I found this out in quite a strange way!

My other PC suddenly, out of the blue started doing the same thing -the same sequence of beeps.
Just in the same way as when the graphics card wasn't working in the new PC.

I opened the case and discovered that where I had been blowing the dust off the boards, some had collected in the Ti200 onboard fan and was preventing it from rotating.

I removed this clump of dust and the PC worked again without beeping.

I am discovering further the intricate reflection of my PC with my mind..!
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i suggest dumping it and get your self a new PSU (dont skimp on quality!)
i had a 'came with the case PSU'... it was ok, till it decided to fill my room with painful to breath corrosive smoke.
That wasnt pleasnt. Learn from me, buy a top quality PSU :D
Antec and PC power and cooling - are some of the best.
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Alf said:
i suggest dumping it and get your self a new PSU (dont skimp on quality!)
i had a 'came with the case PSU'... it was ok, till it decided to fill my room with painful to breath corrosive smoke.
That wasnt pleasnt. Learn from me, buy a top quality PSU :D
Antec and PC power and cooling - are some of the best.

I got a Blue Storm II 400 -very good it is too!

It's Er! blue and very quiet -and apparantly 'ice cold' -though I haven't managed to get any ice cream from it yet :-/
