Build 8036 appears to break some advanced filters

  • Thread starter Thread starter Charles Belov
  • Start date Start date

Charles Belov

This morning when I launched Outlook 2003, a bunch of calendar items
that I normally have filtered out suddenly appeared. I note the Outlook
build (from Help > About Outlook) is now 11.8010.8036.

What used to work that now appears to not work is,
under View > Arrange By > Current View > Customize Current View > Filter
Advanced tab

Subject doesn't contain blaha
Subject doesn't contain blahb
Location doesn't contain blahc
Location doesn't contain blahd

Outlook used to do an AND on these; with 8036 it now appears to do an
OR. So, since a subject will never contain both blaha and blahb, and a
location will never contain both blahc and blahd, nothing is getting
filtered out.

The solution is to use the SQL tab instead:

NOT ("urn:schemas:calendar:subject" LIKE '%blaha%' OR
"urn:schemas:calendar:subject" LIKE '%blahb%' OR
"urn:schemas:calendar:location" LIKE '%blahc%' OR
"urn:schemas:calendar:location" LIKE '%blahd%')

Works like a charm!

By the way, if you type something into the SQL tab, then uncheck the
edit box, the contents are lost without an "Are you sure you want to
delete this SQL query?" so be sure to copy it into Notepad if you want
to play around with enabling and disabling it.

Hope this helps,
Charles "Chas" Belov
Charles said:
This morning when I launched Outlook 2003, a bunch of calendar items
that I normally have filtered out suddenly appeared. I note the Outlook
build (from Help > About Outlook) is now 11.8010.8036.

What used to work that now appears to not work is,
under View > Arrange By > Current View > Customize Current View > Filter

Subject doesn't contain blaha
Subject doesn't contain blahb
Location doesn't contain blahc
Location doesn't contain blahd

Outlook used to do an AND on these; with 8036 it now appears to do an
OR. So, since a subject will never contain both blaha and blahb, and a
location will never contain both blahc and blahd, nothing is getting
filtered out.

The solution is to use the SQL tab instead:

NOT ("urn:schemas:calendar:subject" LIKE '%blaha%' OR
"urn:schemas:calendar:subject" LIKE '%blahb%' OR
"urn:schemas:calendar:location" LIKE '%blahc%' OR
"urn:schemas:calendar:location" LIKE '%blahd%')

Works like a charm!

By the way, if you type something into the SQL tab, then uncheck the
edit box, the contents are lost without an "Are you sure you want to
delete this SQL query?" so be sure to copy it into Notepad if you want
to play around with enabling and disabling it.

I spoke too soon. My workaround appears to work in the 1 Day and 5 Work
Week views but not in the 7 Week or 31 Month views. Unfortunately, my
preferred view is 7 Week. Guess I'll have to put up with 5 Work Week
for now. *sigh*

Charles "Chas" Belov

This worked:

Subject doesn't contain blaha AND blahb
Location doesn't contain blahc AND blahd

Nevertheless, it does seem as if functionality changed with this build,
as I did not make any changes to whatever I had there before, and it
broke with the build.

Also, it is strange that the SQL rule I listed in my post below works in
the 1 and 5 day views, but not in the 7 and 31 day views. That sounds
like a bug.

Anyway, I'm a happy camper now and thanks for your help.

Charles "Chas" Belov

Diane Poremsky [MVP] wrote:
repeating a condition always uses the "or" operator - its not new to this

you could try combining them into 'blaha AND blahb"
