bugcheck was:0x000000ba?!?

Apr 6, 2007
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Got a bugcheck 0x000000ba after upgrading one of my server from win2003Server R2 Enterprise Edition sp1 to sp2...
Basically Our server are in a Citrix farm (4.0) and the user connect to a terminal session. Last night when everybody (pretty much) try to logoff, the server crash and restart itself.

Any idea will be appreciate.
Been there, done that...it's not the same as the bugcheck 0x000000ab...
The one I need is "ba".
If you try to make a search with google, you will have a lot af success to find 0x000000ab...but not much for ba.
I think it's a new bug...not a typo error:))
No, it is not a new bug ... try posting the full error message. ;)

You need to contact Microsoft.

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x000000ba (0x0000000b, 0x00000001, 0xe31173a8, 0x0000001f). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP.

Microsoft don't know anything about it...I mean that's what they told.
But of course I didn't want to spend $242 for advanced support when you don't find anything on there website on this subject.

How do you know it's not a new bug?
At least give a reason why you think it's not a new bug...not only:"no...not a new bug" It's a little empty don't you think..I mean if you know anything about this please let me know...
How do you know it's not a new bug?
From feckit's first link & here on the forums in 2004.

I still think there is more to this error message. Is there a driver or filename that is referenced in the dump log?

It is more likely caused by a driver incompatability than a hardware problem.

Sorry, but MS are gonna be a better bet at "fixing" this error than I am, or try posting over here ... http://support.citrix.com/index.jsp
