Bug - Wrong Schedule Time



I have set the schedule to run every Friday at 8pm, but
instead, it runs every Wednesday at 8pm. My computer
clock is normal.


Set it to run on Wednesday and tell us what happens.

; )

I have mine set to run Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun and so far it has done
that. There seems to be a few settings that do work and some that don't -


Andre Da Costa

Scheduled Scans is known buggy feature, like John and Bill said its best
using an alternative time, should be fixed by the next beta.

Peter Crickman

FWIW - I have mine set for Wed and Sat at 2 am. Wed's scan went off at 2 am
Thursday and Sat did not go off yet (perhaps tomorrow (Sun)?).

Larry Bott

I had mine scheduled to run Saturday at 1 pm instead it ran
Thurs at 1 pm. I changed it to Mon at 1 pm & it ran at the
time I originally wanted (Sat 1 pm). Just had to adjust
date in advance. This will have to do until bug is fixed.
Also I scheduled update for daily at 11 pm & it updates at
10 pm, another bug but that one I can live with.

Andre Da Costa

I guess it takes a little mathematics and good luck to have it scanning for
a particular day you want it. I personally have not had any conflicts with
it, (surprisely), if set it to scan a particular day, it does right every

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