Bug Report

  • Thread starter Stuart Massey [394710]
  • Start date

Stuart Massey [394710]


I'm not on the official beta for Anti-spyware but have
found a bug and would like to report it.

If you use the 'menu' to go to 'Tools' --> 'Real-time
Protection' --> 'Internet Agent' --> 'View Blocked
Events' you get taken to the blocked events screen, where
you see the filter 'Filter by type: Internet Agent'.

If you then use the same menu process to view the blocked
events for the 'System Agent' or 'Application Agent'
the 'Filter by type:' message does not alter to reflect
the menu item you have selected.

However, if you click on the 'Filter by type' to switch
the type, then it does correctly reflect the item you

Bill Sanderson

Thanks for the report Stuart--these groups are the right place to make such
reports. Which build are you reporting on?


Microsoft AntiSpyware Version: 1.0.614

Updated yesterday, and the bug is still present.

Bill Sanderson

Thanks. I think it is likely that this may well not change before beta2 is
released. The bar for correcting bugs in the current code is quite high,
I'm afraid. Beta2 should be quite different.


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