Armin Zingler
in VB 2003, open the object browser and have the members selected "by member
type". Then select Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey (only an example representing
any class). It is sorted by member type (methods first, properties next),
but: among the same member type, the members are not sorted alphabetically
anymore like in VB 200*2*.
VB 200*3*:
C lose
D eleteSubKey
F inalize
S etvalue
C reateSubKey
G etSubKeyNames
O penRemoteBaseKey
T oString
(these are not all methods)
There seem to be two "groups" of methods (C-S and C-T) and each is sorted
alphabetically independent from each other. This often lead to some
confusion because I didn't find a member. Now I found out that I only
searched in the wrong "group".
Applying the *same* sort order in VB 200*2* worked as it should be:
C lose
C reateSubKey
D eleteSubKey
F inalize
G etSubKeyNames
O penRemoteBaseKey
S etvalue
T oString
Bug in VB 200*3*?
in VB 2003, open the object browser and have the members selected "by member
type". Then select Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey (only an example representing
any class). It is sorted by member type (methods first, properties next),
but: among the same member type, the members are not sorted alphabetically
anymore like in VB 200*2*.
VB 200*3*:
C lose
D eleteSubKey
F inalize
S etvalue
C reateSubKey
G etSubKeyNames
O penRemoteBaseKey
T oString
(these are not all methods)
There seem to be two "groups" of methods (C-S and C-T) and each is sorted
alphabetically independent from each other. This often lead to some
confusion because I didn't find a member. Now I found out that I only
searched in the wrong "group".
Applying the *same* sort order in VB 200*2* worked as it should be:
C lose
C reateSubKey
D eleteSubKey
F inalize
G etSubKeyNames
O penRemoteBaseKey
S etvalue
T oString
Bug in VB 200*3*?