Bug In DirectoryServices DirectoryEntry?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Ingalls
  • Start date Start date

Bill Ingalls

I have tried this in both a winapp and asp.net, the problem is when
you try to set the msExchHideFromAddressLists property on an item that
is already hidden it returns 'There is no such object on the server'.
Here is an example listing:

Dim oGroup as New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://server/CN=groupname,OU=container,etc...",username,pw)

oGroup.Properties("msExchHideFromAddressLists").Value=False <--Returns
the error, but if you are setting a visible item to True it has no

Any help would be appreciated.

I don't know if I have this fully - does this mean if you set it to TRUE and
then to FALSE it has no problem? If so, I would just do that as a

I have tried this in both a winapp and asp.net, the problem is when
you try to set the msExchHideFromAddressLists property on an item that
is already hidden it returns 'There is no such object on the server'.

The "there is no such object on server" would indicate your LDAP path
is either invalid, or the object you're referring to might not exist
(yet) on that server.

Have you tried server-less binding? E.g.


In a multi-DC environment, you need to be very careful about
specifying a specific DC for your operations.

In your sample, can you set other properties okay? E.g. can you set
the "description" property okay? Or does this error occur for all
properties you're trying to set??

I am not able to set or access any of the properties on a hidden object.
The code works fine if the object is not hidden when you set a reference
to it. It seems as if the DirectoryEntry cannot be set to an object if
it is set to be hidden.
