[BUG] Fasts popups

  • Thread starter Thread starter ~Jean-Marc~ [MVP XP-FR]
  • Start date Start date

~Jean-Marc~ [MVP XP-FR]

Hi all,

When some changes are found on my system, popup windows
goes up and down at right side of my screen but never stop to
let me read what's inside... :-(

Funny, no ?

Salutations *~Jean-Marc~ [MVP XP-FR]* !
tu nous disais :
When some changes are found on my system, popup windows
goes up and down at right side of my screen but never stop to
let me read what's inside...

In fact, the popup are not visible ! Only in powertoy'version of alt-tab
i can see that i have 2 popups who are waiting for an answer.

If i use "Enabler" to move the windows named :
"GIANTASAlert:MessengerService (ThunderRT6FormDC)"
to top-left of the screen, i can see the popup and click on the

This previously reported bug happens on a vertical taskbar, but not on a
horizontal taskbar.
Salutations *Mark L. Ferguson* !
tu nous disais :
This previously reported bug happens on a vertical taskbar, but not
on a horizontal taskbar.

Yes, you're right, i use a vertical taskbar !
