Marc Gustafson
This function is executed when a application file is
double-clicked to open in a VC++ application.
Specifically, this function is enabled by
RegisterShellFileTypes () in the application's
However, under MFC 7.1 for VC++ .NET 2003,
CFrameWnd::OnDDEExecute has a bug that repeatedly
generates this error message in the debugger
Error: failed to execute DDE command ''.
Therefore, the problem is that the command is not being
propagated properly to this function, since the string
should be something like
rather than the empty string
Examining the code for this function in more detail, we
can see the bug here:
LPCTSTR lpsz = (LPCTSTR)GlobalLock(hData);
int commandLength = lstrlen(lpsz);
if (commandLength >= _countof(szCommand))
// The command would be truncated. This
could be a security problem
TRACE0("Warning: Command was ignored
because it was too long.\n");
return 0;
The data string '[open("C:\YourFileNameHere")]' is stored
in the LPCTSTR lpsz. Then a check is done to make sure
that the length of this string is not longer than the new
buffer szCommand. However, the string is never copied in
szCommand, and the data is effectively released by
GlobalUnlock! Then when this command is executed
if (!AfxGetApp()->OnDDECommand(szCommand))
szCommand is empty, and the error is generated.
Hopefully, Microsoft will address this bug and issue a
patch. Please respond to this posting to indicate if this
problem is being addressed.
Thank you,
Marc Gustafson
double-clicked to open in a VC++ application.
Specifically, this function is enabled by
RegisterShellFileTypes () in the application's
However, under MFC 7.1 for VC++ .NET 2003,
CFrameWnd::OnDDEExecute has a bug that repeatedly
generates this error message in the debugger
Error: failed to execute DDE command ''.
Therefore, the problem is that the command is not being
propagated properly to this function, since the string
should be something like
rather than the empty string
Examining the code for this function in more detail, we
can see the bug here:
LPCTSTR lpsz = (LPCTSTR)GlobalLock(hData);
int commandLength = lstrlen(lpsz);
if (commandLength >= _countof(szCommand))
// The command would be truncated. This
could be a security problem
TRACE0("Warning: Command was ignored
because it was too long.\n");
return 0;
The data string '[open("C:\YourFileNameHere")]' is stored
in the LPCTSTR lpsz. Then a check is done to make sure
that the length of this string is not longer than the new
buffer szCommand. However, the string is never copied in
szCommand, and the data is effectively released by
GlobalUnlock! Then when this command is executed
if (!AfxGetApp()->OnDDECommand(szCommand))
szCommand is empty, and the error is generated.
Hopefully, Microsoft will address this bug and issue a
patch. Please respond to this posting to indicate if this
problem is being addressed.
Thank you,
Marc Gustafson