Brian Hartvigsen
I noticed today that scheduled scans scan as all logged on users instead
of System or some other privelleged user.
I had scanning processes for 3 differant users going.. And let me tell
you that tied up quite a bit of processing power/memory. Not only that,
but 2 of the users did not even have Administrative privileges so it
wouldn't have been able to fix much.
Why don't scheduled scans run as System instead of logged on users?
Would avoid this.
-- Brian
of System or some other privelleged user.
I had scanning processes for 3 differant users going.. And let me tell
you that tied up quite a bit of processing power/memory. Not only that,
but 2 of the users did not even have Administrative privileges so it
wouldn't have been able to fix much.
Why don't scheduled scans run as System instead of logged on users?
Would avoid this.
-- Brian