Homer J Simpson said:
I tried the new free 'Bubblebar' from DevComponents.com -- damned if I can
get it to work. Tried out their sample, added a reference, still can't get
it to show up in a project. What's the point?
Got this reply:
The BubbleBar should appear in VS.NET toolbox after you install it. If it
does not, follow these steps to add it to the toolbox:
To add DotNetBar components manually to the Visual Studio toolbox follow
these steps:
1. Right-click VS.NET Toolbox and choose Add Tab command.
2. Type BubbelBar
3. Right-click the tab that you've just created and choose "Choose Items"
4. Click the Namespace header in list view control that you see on the .NET
Framework Components tab
5. Find the components with Assembly Name DevComponents.BubbleBar in the
list. If you cannot find the component in this list, click Browse and look
for DevComponents.BubbleBar.dll file in BubbleBar installation directory,
usually Program Files/BubbleBar
6. Check all that have Directory appear as Global Assembly Cache
6. Click OK to close all dialogs.
Please note that BubbleBar is free component which does not include any