BT Broadband Major Power Failure


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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BT has confirmed that a "power failure" at a major exchange in Birmingham is causing problems for broadband customers across the UK.

Customers have reported problems from as far afield as Belfast, Edinburgh, Swansea and London.

Many users have taken to Twitter to complain that the company is not answering its helpline.

BT has told the BBC it has been made aware of the issue and is working hard to get information to customers
In a statement, the company said: "We can confirm that, as a result of a power failure at one of our major exchanges, some customers may currently be experiencing loss of broadband service
"Our engineers are on-site and the majority of customers' service has already been restored. We are working to restore service to remaining customers as soon as possible this afternoon.

"Should any customers continue to experience difficulty in accessing their broadband service, they are advised to turn their Hub or modem off and on again."

The outage has affected both business and home customers.
Carl in Bedford contacted the BBC, saying: "We have lost both our business lines at work and causing us lots of lost revenue as we can no longer do our scheduled remote work on our customer sites
"It is shocking that a small power issue 150 miles away in Birmingham can have such a huge affect on business customers elsewhere."

Other users reported problems in many other places including Cambridge, Brentford, Wolverhampton and Cornwall.

Source: BBC News
"It is shocking that a small power issue 150 miles away in Birmingham can have such a huge affect on business customers elsewhere."

Clearly it isn't "a small power issue" if it is causing such problems.:D
Power loss to the main exchange?

Surely if power has been restored for "some customers" then the rest too should have the service back as well?

Come on BT stop making excuses
you know, I have to laugh, :lol: I'm a 'lucky' customer, touch wood, hits head on door, I'm not been infected. :p

if I'm missing in action, I'll be playing solitaire. :lol: