The Devil's Advocaat
I'm getting regular crashes to the BSOD - around 1 an hour. It doesn't seem
to matter what I'm doing: the latest crash was while running 3DMark03 but
it's happened in COD, X2:The Threat, America's Army..... The list goes on.
Once or twice the blue screen has shown specific dlls (usually NVidia or
USB-related) but this time no driver is mentioned. The STOP message is:
0x0000000A (0x00000004, 0x00000002, 0x00000001,0x804FA364).
I'm running XP Home on a Mesh 3200+ (no overclocking) with an FX5900 Utra.
Can anyone help? What other info would help get to the bottom of this?
Please be gentle: I'm not a techie, so, if you need more info, please tell
me where and how I can find it.
Thanks in advance.
to matter what I'm doing: the latest crash was while running 3DMark03 but
it's happened in COD, X2:The Threat, America's Army..... The list goes on.
Once or twice the blue screen has shown specific dlls (usually NVidia or
USB-related) but this time no driver is mentioned. The STOP message is:
0x0000000A (0x00000004, 0x00000002, 0x00000001,0x804FA364).
I'm running XP Home on a Mesh 3200+ (no overclocking) with an FX5900 Utra.
Can anyone help? What other info would help get to the bottom of this?
Please be gentle: I'm not a techie, so, if you need more info, please tell
me where and how I can find it.
Thanks in advance.