BSOD!! windows 7 plzzzz help brand new computer

Jan 3, 2012
Reaction score
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: c5
BCP1: 00000000089BA4D8
BCP2: 0000000000000002
BCP3: 0000000000000001
BCP4: FFFFF80003208617
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: c5
BCP1: 00000000089BA4D8
BCP2: 0000000000000002
BCP3: 0000000000000001
BCP4: FFFFF80003208617
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

Welcome to the forum, if its a brand new computer and you are getting a BSOD, well then take it back to where you boughtit and let the sort it out. Thats what warrenty's are for :D
We'd need the actual BSOD screen that tells you the offending culprit, that text doesn't help that much. :)
evan is right ,BSOD Could be hard to fix than yu thnk

They can be both hard and easy to fix, all depends on the problem causing them. The point I was trying to make is, your computer is brand new, so if its already showing BSOD then take it back to whom ever you bought it from and have them repair it under warrenty, after all thats why you have warenties :D