I've been getting the following BSOD all day long whenever I open up certain
web pages. Can someone please help me diagnose this error?
Event Type: Information
Event Source: Save Dump
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1001
Date: 6/9/2004
Time: 3:14:32 PM
User: N/A
Computer: HOME
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x000000e1
(0xbe93c958, 0x00000002, 0x81a1e294, 0x81a1e2d4). Microsoft Windows 2000
[v15.2195]. A dump was saved in: C:\WINNT\Minidump\Mini061004-03.dmp.
web pages. Can someone please help me diagnose this error?
Event Type: Information
Event Source: Save Dump
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1001
Date: 6/9/2004
Time: 3:14:32 PM
User: N/A
Computer: HOME
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x000000e1
(0xbe93c958, 0x00000002, 0x81a1e294, 0x81a1e2d4). Microsoft Windows 2000
[v15.2195]. A dump was saved in: C:\WINNT\Minidump\Mini061004-03.dmp.