BSOD Unmountable Volume booting from El Torito

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jonathan.Barrett
  • Start date Start date


I have been working on making a diskless PC boot from an El Torito CD
with XPE SP2. The PC is a Dell Precision 340. I started the image
using TAP.EXE. I followed all the procedures in the Bootable CD
walkthrough found in these boards. FBA runs perfectly and properly
loads EWF, El Toriot, and the platform drivers. The XPe image works
perfectly(as far as I can tell) post-FBA on the HD. I run etprep and
the system reboots. After POST I shut down and boot to the WinPE
drive. The FBALOG shows EWF and El Torito to be configured properly,
and the drive letter switching to be successful. HD2ISO ran fine and
created the image without any problems. I used Sonic cd burning
software to burn ISO image to the CD.
At this point I remove the HD, tell the BIOS to boot from CD and
not HD, and watch it go.. I starts to boot off the CD, shows the black
Windows XP screen with the meter, and then BSOD. The BSOD info:


STOP: 0x000000ED (0x81BB2790,0xC0000010,0x00000000,0x00000000)

I have tried formating with both FAT and NTFS. Both FAT and NTFS are
included in the image. I can not figure out what is causing the BSOD.
EWF should catch anything that tries to write to the drive right? El
Torito is obviously working or it wouldnt get to the black Windows XP
screen. Iv'e tried booting from the CD with the HD installe thinking
maybe it was looking for another patition, but that did not help

Any assistance is appreciated! If more information is needed, let me
know. Thanks!