Windows XP Bsod Page_fault_in_nonpaged_area

Jul 6, 2007
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Hi all,

I have a huge problem a computer which won't start, I've tried all boot options no joy, it brings up the Windows XP screen then BSOB. The error message is:

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut doen to prevent damage to your computer.


If this is the first time you've seen this stop error restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps:

Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.

If problems continue disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safemode

Technical Information:

STOP 0x00000050 (0xF789B000, 0X00000000, 0XF75BAB17, 0X00000000).

No new hardware has been installed, no new software but when the computer was last on I suspected there was a virus, was about to do clean up when this happened.

I have tried searching this error and have found plenty of information on the PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA but not this STOP error and the specified digit's.

Has anyone ever had this problem, or know anything about the Error.

Many thanks.
The "main" error message is the 0x50 stop error, the other four parameters in this error message may vary according to the computer's configuration.

As you are probably aware, defective memory (including main memory, L2 RAM cache, video RAM) or incompatible software (including antivirus software) might cause this Stop message, as may other hardware problems.

If you suspect a virus, try ...

... some others;

good luck

Hi Muckshifter

Thanks for your help. Yeah I was reading about the memory issue and I am hoping its not a memory problem.

I had a read through the links you provided thanks, I have attached the hard drive to my laptop, I have scanned it with AVG and found Trojens lovely all deleted o.k I'm now scanning with Malwarebytes.

I'm hoping after a clear out I will be able to boot the computer again, but I will keep posting my findings just encase someone else comes across this problem.

Thanks for help.
Hi all

I cleaned up the hard drive and tried to boot the PC up again and I got another BSOD boo hoo.

This time I am getting technical error 0x0000007E.

If I try to boot into Safe mode etc I get the 0x00000050 error again.

Has anyone anymore ideas? looks like I might have to do a re-install of Windows.
I have NO faith in AVcrappyG, even MS's own AV program outboards (sic) AVG free. :nod:

Anyway, 0x07E is more of the same I'm afraid, could be any number of things check Event Viewer (EventVwr.msc) for me, may give an indication of what caused the error ... full error messages sometimes may help me/us.

Hi everyone

Just to keep you's posted I ended up re-installing windows (blast) all is o.k so far just installing all drivers and software again. Fingers crossed.

Thanks for everyone's help.