BSOD on my T43 due to atid2vag.dll


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
Frustration is an understatement, I am about to commit Harakiri!:mad:

I desperately need to resolve the issue of frequent BSOD's that I am experiencing at the moment on my laptop. This problem cropped up three days ago and since then I am trying to fix it but it seems it keeps coming back like some sort of revenge.

The problem that I have identified is associated with the ATI drivers, the BSOD reports atid2vag.dll is causing it and the report says the driver has gone into an infinite loop. The error report I managed to send to Microsoft once and I ended up at the Microsoft Online Crash Analysis website which stated that they have no solution to it but I should contact ATI. At ATI I get a message to contact the laptop supplier. Before contacting IBM with my problem I decided to check out a few forums and also did a search on Google. I was really surprised to find out that this is not a peculiar problem but a common problem which many seem to have with any combination of components and an ATI card. Various suggestions had been put forward by those in the know and all are different from each other, some work some don't.

I am at a loss not able to find any solutions and not knowing what my next move should be decided to write about it here and get some ideas.

I have on my own done many things that you may be thinking of, uninstalled drivers, reinstalled drivers, rolled back drivers, updated to the latest one, did system restore, etc etc.

Any suggestions, opinions, advise, anything?

I am sure those who use ATI cards may have some idea of troubleshooting. My previous laptop had the ATI 7500 and in 18 months or so never had this problem although this has been reported on some forums as well. The current card on my laptop is X300.

I would be forever obliged if I get a solution.

:confused::confused::confused: BIG TIME!
ah, oops, now then ... what can we say ... whip out the card and replace it, nope, that don't work. :(

Quad we feel for you ... you know more about them 'Tanks' than anybody here and I'm sure no one, well I certaily didn't, looked to see if that model had any 'problems' know you had done your homework for yourself anyway.

You saying IBM are passing the buck to ATI (crap) and ATI are passing it back to IBM. You know my feelings on ATI so I'm not going to rub that in your face ... if given the choice I would have chosen the same model anyway.

Hmmm ... All I can suggest is it is returned as 'faulty' and is either replaced or a refund of monies.

it sounds like a software conflict probably driver related, have you tried updating/reinstalling them ?
I have on my own done many things that you may be thinking of, uninstalled drivers, reinstalled drivers, rolled back drivers, updated to the latest one, did system restore, etc etc.
ME ... the man 'works' here, remember. ;)

Quad is trying to possibly find something he may have missed ... I don't think he missed anything. :(

Thanks for responding. Yes I did come across messages on some forums discussing about replacement.

As for passing the buck let me clarify that its Microsoft which is passing buck to ATI and not IBM. I have yet to contact IBM on this issue myself.

I think you may be right, I should get in touch with IBM and find out what they have to say on this issue.

Will keep you posted.

Yes it is software related and yes, I know about that ;) The problem lies with the ATI dll file.

Yes I did uninstall and install the drivers several times, even rolled back the drivers.

I am willing to make any changes anyone suggests so please do come back if you have any ideas.
muckshifter said:

Nope I did not :eek:

But it does not list my model:( However this link gives me hope that I can search for another page listing my model with new drivers to sort the problem out. Looks like IBM knows about this and surely this is a software solution which means I may not have to return the unit but find the right driver to do the trick.

I will now search the site for possible solution and get back if it is solved.

I got involved with ATI and Microsoft rather should have relied for the solution with IBM whom I always trust and not the other two, Microsoft on my own and ATI due to your feedback.

Quad will be back......:)

2. Download the ATI driver remover, or a third-party driver remover such as Driver Cleaner from . 3. Restart the computer in Safe Mode (press F8 when starting Windows). For more information about starting Windows in Safe Mode, search for "Safe Mode" in Windows Help.

4. Remove the current drivers using the Windows Add/Remove Programs control panel.

5. Restart the computer in Safe Mode.

6. Run the ATI driver remover or the third party Driver Cleaner. For instructions, see the documentation included with the driver remover.

7. Restart the computer in Safe Mode.

8. Install the drivers you downloaded in step 1. For instructions, see the documentation included with the drivers.

9. Restart the computer in Normal mode, and make sure that the Display settings are set to 32-bit color.

I like the look of that "driver cleaner" ... :thumb:
i skipped that bit

from the link mucks found you were on the right track with the drivers, try that removal thing it seems to sort it for some people
IBM is not blaming the ATI driver as they do not say anything about changing it. On the other hand there is something else I found out.

I think I have a solution, just dont know if it will work. The file version of SMB Device Hub controller driver I have on my system is so a replacement is necessary.

The link is

I hope it works, updating the file and logging off and back on. If I am not back start the funeral proceedings ;)
Changed the SMB Device Hub controller driver and so far looking good. I will have to see if the BSOD is repeated or not but will not know untill I continue using it. Will come back with a report tomorrow evening.

Thanks mucks for your able support. :)
Quadophile said:
Changed the SMB Device Hub controller driver and so far looking good. I will have to see if the BSOD is repeated or not but will not know untill I continue using it. Will come back with a report tomorrow evening.

Thanks mucks for your able support. :)

Hope it works to. ;)
Quadophile said:
No BSOD's so far and all seems to be working OK :thumb:
OH spiffing, jolly good my man. :thumb:

Don't use Linux on there ... the driver for that card is even worse. ;)
I can't believe I've missed this thread!!! :O

I've had the same problem with my machine.
Tried everything that you had done.
I even tried installing the omega drivers which did seem to be more stable but still had the occasional display corruption and had to reboot the machine.

This issue seems to be a big problem and as you say there doesn't seem to be to much of a pattern to it. Different machines, motherboards, gfx cards, Windows Service packs etc...etc...

Finally just went and bought a new gfx card as that probably was the only thing left to try.

So from an ATI X600 Pro to a ATI X800 GTO. Fingers, legs and eyes crossed I don't get that feckin' message again.
If I do then it's been nice knowing you all but I think I will need a padded cell to keep me away from the general public ;)


mudfrog said:
I can't believe I've missed this thread!!! :O

No you haven't, you just made it here ;)

If I do then it's been nice knowing you all but I think I will need a padded cell to keep me away from the general public ;)

We actually have here plenty of members who should be in a padded cell instead of being loose on PC Review :D
Well I'm glad that I'm not the only one :D

Maybe we could get a group discount on some luxury cells???
mudfrog said:
Well I'm glad that I'm not the only one :D

Maybe we could get a group discount on some luxury cells???

Well its Mucks, yourself and me, we need 7 more to get the discount :D
Quadophile said:
Well its Mucks, yourself and me, we need 7 more to get the discount :D
Don't need 7 more ... special discount for the Ladies, they get in free ... so just pick out your favorite frock and we're all set. ;)
