BSOD driving me nuts

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I've only posted this in the vain hope that someone out there is familiar
with this stinker, god, the no of times I've helped folks out with this BSOD,
I'm embarrased!

Blue screen error IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, yes it points to h/ware & a
misbehaved driver but:

But Here's what it says in Event viewer:

Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Error Reporting
Date: 17/07/2007 19:40:17
Event ID: 1001
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: Heather-PC
Fault bucket 0xA_W_nt!KiInsertTimerTable+4e, type 0
Event Name: BlueScreen
Response: None
Cab Id: 0

Its the 0xA_W_nt!KiInsertTimerTable+4e, type 0 that's puzzling The thing
that really gets me is that Prob Reports & Solutions actually classes it as a
Windows error, & nothing more! I gather something tries to interfere with
Sys32 & gets blocked, but instead of being able to ID the offending item (as
is the norm) it only seems to clock the "Windows" reaction, which is to throw
up the blue screen.
Before & after the event in EV (apps) there are various entries referring to
WLO corrupt database & then another to say its been repaired, but I gather
that's an after effect caused by the original mystery prob - hope somebody's
familiar with this, any help would be great. If sys specs are needed - will
post separately

The line being reported is simply the instruction in the driver file that is
falling over. Unless you wrote the driver file, the line is likely to be
meaningless to you. The dump file may provide a clue as to what driver file
is loaded when the error occurs if the BSOD does not.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
My thoughts
Hi Rick,
This is the "version.txt" doc report, doesn't look v useful tho:
Windows NT Version 6.0 Build: 6000
Product (0x3): Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium
Edition: HomePremium
BuildString: 6000.16386.x86fre.vista_rtm.061101-2205
Flavor: Multiprocessor Free
Architecture: X86
LCID: 1033

Also I don't know how to open the actual Mini####.dmp file.

Other weird things:
I've got 3.5gig RAM, & I'm aware of potential probs above 3gig, so will
remove the 512mb, also this BSOD only happens when I'm typing! (Word, Win
Mail, & another forum I've used) but keyboard (& mouse) have the right

The story goes that it started happening about 6 weeks after first install
of Vista, occured more & more often till it was every day. So I reinstalled
Vista, & I thought it was cured till 4 days ago - 5 weeks after reinstall
this time...
Any further help much appreciated, any more info you need - I'll provide,

The version.txt isn't going to tell us much. Check the advanced system
properties as to the type of .dmp file being created. The norm is
C:\Windows\memory.dmp, you want to be sure we look at the right one. You can
send a copy to me at the email address used here using a subject line of
"per req" to get past the filters.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
My thoughts
Sorry Rick, after much messing about I can't even find an email address to
post to, I'm new on here & I've spent ages looking for it. Please let me know
where to send to cos I haven't got a clue!

Gives me a chance to check I've got the right file I suppose, it's
Mini071707-01.dmp, is that it?

It's (e-mail address removed), and the correct file would be the one most recently
created. Again, check the advanced system properties to see what type of
dump is being created. If it is indeed the small memory dump, then the right
mini dump would be the one most recently dated (like one today would be
Mini072107.dmp). Normally in Vista however, the default settings is for a
memory.dmp in the C:\Windows folder, so unless you knowingly changed this
setting, it is not likely to be the minidump file.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
My thoughts