In the last few days I've been on the receiving end of the dreaded BSOD. Today it has happened twice...once 5 minutes after booting up and the second time after 30 minutes. With the first one I received the following...
ntfs.sys - Page fault in nonpaged area
STOP: 0x00000050 (0xFFFFFF80, 0x00000000, 0xF747C5A7, 0x00000000)
ntfs.sys - Address F747C5A7 base at F745C000, DATESTAMP 45cc56a7
the second one resulted in the following
STOP:0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0xBF8027C7, 0xEEC4DBF4, 0x00000000)
win32k.sys - Address BF8027c7 base at BF800000, DATESTAMP 45f013f6
I should add that I havent added any new hardware or downloaded any new software immediately prior to getting these. Actually the last hardware bought which required drivers was well over 6 months ago and I've had no problems since then.
Any ideas on what's wrong? I managed to have it running for 8 hours 2 days running and ran a complete up to date virus check which uncovered 1 virus but resolved that matter.
Any help is greatly appreciated
ntfs.sys - Page fault in nonpaged area
STOP: 0x00000050 (0xFFFFFF80, 0x00000000, 0xF747C5A7, 0x00000000)
ntfs.sys - Address F747C5A7 base at F745C000, DATESTAMP 45cc56a7
the second one resulted in the following
STOP:0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0xBF8027C7, 0xEEC4DBF4, 0x00000000)
win32k.sys - Address BF8027c7 base at BF800000, DATESTAMP 45f013f6
I should add that I havent added any new hardware or downloaded any new software immediately prior to getting these. Actually the last hardware bought which required drivers was well over 6 months ago and I've had no problems since then.
Any ideas on what's wrong? I managed to have it running for 8 hours 2 days running and ran a complete up to date virus check which uncovered 1 virus but resolved that matter.
Any help is greatly appreciated