Gonzo said:
I have 2 PC's on a home network, if I go to start run and
\\pcname\c$ it pops up username and password, however the
is greyed out with pcname\guest this PC I'm connecting to is
home edition and mine is WinXP Pro.
I want to put my username and password in?
First off, I don't believe administrative/hidden shares, such
as C$, exist on a
computer running XP Home. If you're looking to access resources
on your XP HE system, you're going to have to share specific
Second, you cannot disable Simple File Sharing on a XP HE
system. Translated, forget about creating a matching account on
the HE system. That's not how it works. Network access is
provided through the Guest account. You shouldn't be asked for
a password. To fix that problem, do the following on your XP
Home system.
Go to Start ->Run and enter cmd.exe in the Open box.
Click OK.
Enter the following at the command prompt.
net user guest /active:yes
Hit Enter.
Restart both computers.
Create a shared folder on your XP Home System. The best
approach is to share the Shared Documents folder and place any
files you want to access from the Pro system in this folder.
If you get any Access Denied error messages, try logging off
and back on the XP Pro system.
Good luck