Browsers stop loading pages until I PING the site?


Doug Warner

XP Home SP2, fresh reload. I can be browsing a site, then suddenly, I
can't load any new pages, on that site or any other. The issue
persists even if I switch between IE and Firefox.

There are two ways to get it going again: Reboot, or issue a PING to
the website's domain name.

Any ideas on what's happening here? This never happened on my first
load, an only cropped up some time after a fresh reload. New SW is
Norton AV 2006 (Was using 2005) and Zonealarm Pro (Shutting either one
down doesn;t resolve the problem.)

Brian A.

Did Nav 2006 come with any Ad Blocking? I'm not up to checking into that
at the moment, but if it does you may need to set some rules for sites in
the ad blocking configuration. If it has it and you want to test to see if
it is the cause, disable it and see if the problem goes away. If it does
then you found the problem and need to check what was blocked and add it to
be allowed.

If you have the Norton Firewall, see if this helps. I have found it to be
a common fault in causing problems when using NIS 2006.

NIS 2006 has a "feature" named Learning (HA, what a joke) that is enabled
by default, I have found that it has trouble learning. It's task and only
task is to learn each application that attempts an internet connection, and
remember it along with the setting to allow/deny in NIS firewall program
settings. It does not remember every application nor does it learn every
application. The best thing a user who wishes to keep using NIS 2006 can
do for themself is disable this Dunce, especially if you want to regain
connectivity/control of a network. The Damn Dunce sees it one second and
has major Alzheimer's the next.


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
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XP Home SP2, fresh reload. I can be browsing a site, then suddenly, I
can't load any new pages, on that site or any other. The issue
persists even if I switch between IE and Firefox.

There are two ways to get it going again: Reboot, or issue a PING to
the website's domain name.

Any ideas on what's happening here? This never happened on my first
load, an only cropped up some time after a fresh reload. New SW is
Norton AV 2006 (Was using 2005) and Zonealarm Pro (Shutting either one
down doesn;t resolve the problem.)

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