Browser takes for ever to load on dsl



Internet explorer takes forever to open a web page. It
use to be very fast a few months ago. I have a dsl 3 mg
modem. Other computers (My laptop)on the same line open
very fast about 2 seconds for graphics and text at Do I have to I have to format my hard
drive and reinstall windows XP Pro and internet explorer
again? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
My system is Athlon XP 1800+ with 768 mgs of ram, a
MX4408X video card 3 hard drives of 10gb, and 2 40 gb.
I have 48x12x48 cd re-writer and a DVD rom.


BigMac49ca -

Don't know very much about XP, but W98 has Winipcfg. I think XP has Ipconfig
There's also a tweak for which one can run Ipconfig in a manner similar to

How it works, if similar to W98 is to release and renew your IP address.
I've had need to do this on occasion, and had to do it not too long ago in
fact. Also, you can check with your ISP for recommendations. I do. Since you
say it is isolated to but one PC, the aforementioned Ipconfig *might* be the
solution. Also in some instances, although it sounds unlikely in your case,
one must sometimes enable DNS. Again, since only one PC is behaving in a
slow manner, that is unlikely to be the fix for this. FYI: I do use DSL for
my Internet connection.

Since I am not an expert, and even less so for XP or ISP's, I can only offer
you this tool:

Lastly, you may have some spyware/ malware onboard this particular PC. There
are 100's of threads everyday which address this issue in-depth. Click any
one which seems to ask a question which seems to be regarding "abnormal"
behavior. Chances are good that you'll get the full rundown of what to
install, why, and how.

HTH - (at least a little)

(e-mail address removed)

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