Try this:
Services do not start and Event ID 7022 is logged in the System log in
Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows Server 2003;en-us;319127
The Server service in not dependent on the Browser service, it's the
other way around, the Browser service is dependent on the Server
service. You can set the Browser service to manual, it doesn't need to
run if the computer in question isn't the Master or Backup Browser,
stopping it will not stop the computer from accessing other machines, or
other machines from accessing this one.
The Server service needs to be running if you want to share files and
other resources on the computer, if the computer only accesses resources
on other machines but shares none of its resources then the Server
service can be set to manual or disabled, if the machine shares its
resources with others the Server service needs to be running. The
Server service does not need to run to access the internet.