Browser resident XML Web Services Client in ASP.NETV2?

  • Thread starter Siegfried Heintze
  • Start date

Siegfried Heintze

Does ASP.NET V2 have any special features to make browser resident XML Web
Services any easier? I heard it did but I'm not sure what to search for to
find more information. Anybody got a favorite URL? Would this be a feature
of IIS, .net framework or Visual Studio?

Bruce Barker

not sure what a "Browser resident XML Web Service Client" is. if you mean
supporting client script making webservice calls, sorta. V2 allows browser
client code to call the backend page method and get a string back. the
underlying method is a form post, not a soap/xml call.

if the return string is xml, you still need to parse it yourself on the
client side. if you need to pass back complex data, you need to write your
own server/client serialization routines. will add serialization
routines in the next release (orcra).

to learn about client postbacks see the new ClientScriptManager class.

-- bruce (

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