Browser preferences...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dariusz
  • Start date Start date


Just out of interest, I ran across this poll which is still running on the
LinuxWorld website ( )...

Results so far on the most popular web browsers.

Browser / Votes / Percentage
Mozilla 501 37%
IE 251 18%
Opera 164 12%
Phoenix/Firebird 146 11%
Netscape 119 9%
Konqueror 102 7%
Galeon 66 5%
Other 20 1%

I confess to using IE, but I voted for Pheonix/Firebird, it feels pretty
good - is not bloated, and is much more customisable which is nice. Only
irritant with Pheonix, is that the customisability is not put into a menu
rather than having to edit those pesky little files (user.js etc).

Please make it easier to change what should be simple things like where the
cache for the browser resides, I don't want it in it's default location -
and it takes a lot of reading to find out how to move it (it's not a menu

Oh yeah, and it now saves settings in the registry with no option to backup
(so behave the same as most other stupid Windows programmes), so come
reformat time, you lose all the settings (unless you know where the
registry key is and got an up-to-date copy of it).

With Pheonix I could just copy the directory and all my settings would be
on the new machine without problem. Firebird don't do that (as I found out
when I had a reformat of Windows drive :( ).


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