browser open in miminium size

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using IE 6.0.2800.1106, when I launch IE from Taskbar , the browser open ok
in full size. However, when I click on anyone's of your posting, it open but
in such an appearance that its only the a very small block appearing at the
top or bottom corner. It happen after the previous shut down done in a hurry.
Pls advice how do I make the browser open in full size when I click on the
Many thanks.
Hi IE small block :-)

The the following and see if it helps:

Maximize Windows -

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

"Close all windows EXCEPT the one that opens "minimized"; right click on
your Task Bar, either on the open space on the right or left end (your
choice); select "Tile Windows Horizontally" and IE will maximize; close IE.
Re-open IE and it will be maximized. Just showed a buddy this trick
yesterday and works like a charm. Enjoy."

It does work like a charm, but it isn't quite a normal "maximize" just a
full screen with a border. However, it does subsequently hold that.


How To Maximize Windows2

Courtesy of Alan Edwards -

Try stretching the small window to full size. (Do not use Maximize)
Ensure that window is the last one closed and IE should remember the
size next time.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
How to make a good newsgroup post:

Browser window returns to wrong size when opened

Courtesy of Siljaline -

Copy and paste this in your Browser window;
(*No quotes*)
Jan Il

Thats really charming, many thanks

Jan Il said:
Hi IE small block :-)

The the following and see if it helps:

Maximize Windows -

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

"Close all windows EXCEPT the one that opens "minimized"; right click on
your Task Bar, either on the open space on the right or left end (your
choice); select "Tile Windows Horizontally" and IE will maximize; close IE.
Re-open IE and it will be maximized. Just showed a buddy this trick
yesterday and works like a charm. Enjoy."

It does work like a charm, but it isn't quite a normal "maximize" just a
full screen with a border. However, it does subsequently hold that.


How To Maximize Windows2

Courtesy of Alan Edwards -

Try stretching the small window to full size. (Do not use Maximize)
Ensure that window is the last one closed and IE should remember the
size next time.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
How to make a good newsgroup post:

Browser window returns to wrong size when opened

Courtesy of Siljaline -

Copy and paste this in your Browser window;
(*No quotes*)
Hi IE small block :-)
Jan Il

Thats really charming, many thanks

You're very welcome! Glad to hear you were able to resolve your problem.
Good job!

Thank you for posting back and letting us know what worked for you, and for
the benefit of other readers who might have a similar problem. :-)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.
Hi all,

I'm using IE6.0.2900.2180 and am having a problem with IE-6 that is very
similar to the one being described in this post, it sounds like it even
started the same way. I was working with 2 windows of IE6 open, held down
the Ctrl button and left clicked on both in the taskbar to select them, then
right clicked and chose Tile Horizontally, it worked just like it always
does. The problem is that I can't get it to shut off, but that's where the
similarity stops and I believe the difference with my problem starts.

I can open as many new windows as I want as long as they are new opened
either by clicking on the icon in the Task Bar or the one on my desktop.
However if I click on a link in a page that's already open, like I just did
to open one of the newsgroup readers posted below, that window opens Tiled
Horizontally at the top of my screen, never at the bottom. I can maximize
successfully with the usual ways, but I can't get the Horizontal Tile to shut
off. What's really strange is that it only happens when I click on a link
from a page that's already open.

This is a sideline question: Is Internet Explorer always supposed to open a
new window when I click on a link? OR does the window that's already open
ever switch to the page I'm opening? I'm asking because if I spend much time
surf from site to site, I can end up with 10 windows open in IE6. If I've
opened them from a link, then I have to maximize them before I can start
reading. On the other hand if I open a new window by clicking on one of the
before mentioned icons, I end up with a fully maximized web page just like it
should be. One reason I'd do that is if I was reading about something and
there was a link that I wanted to follow but not have a new window open all
of the time, especially with this aggrevating Tile Horizontal problem.

I will certainly appreciate any suggestions anybody has.

Thanks, Mike
I think the problem is simply that new IE windows open small.
Try this...
Open a webpage. Stretch it out to fullsize. Don't use maximize.
Choose any link on that webpage and right-click> open in a new window.
Stretch that second window out to the desired size- don't use maximize.
Close the first IE window. Then close that second resized window.

Or, the REG file at "run this REG
file" may help.
This is a sideline question: Is Internet Explorer always supposed to open a
new window when I click on a link?

Some hyperlinks are written to open a new window- most are not. This article
explains Internet Explorer's options:
241911- Description of the Reuse Windows for Launching Shortcuts Setting in
Internet Explorer

Hope this helps,