Si Cottick
Browser hacking should be a capital offence - we should be allowed to
hang them on street corners to set an example to other
Anyway... Internet Explorer (6) running on XP home. Opening the
browser shows google.co.uk in the address bar, but the progress bar
shows eurosamp.com for a half second and then
bxnu.com_blah_id?=eurosamp.com/. I take that to mean that my hacker is
sending me to his site and then redirecting to his affiliate account
at bxnu.com hoping to profit from my searches. He's obviously a dick
tho - no matter what search I run from his affiliate page, it simply
refreshes the page again!
I assume these are Russian scum who are immune to complaints to hosts,
so how do I get my browser back. Like I say, I'd *much* prefer to
track him down and remove all of his fingers with a pair of pliers,
but I'll settle for having control of my browser back again. I'm
running Norton Internet Security 2006 (employers choice not mine)
which is fully updated. Is there any point in complaining to bxnu
about their affiliate or are they likely to laugh and ignore me? And
what do I need to do to return Explorer to its previous state? (I cant
run a system restore - I just get a message saying "cannot restore
to..." - really useful error message, that!)
hang them on street corners to set an example to other
Anyway... Internet Explorer (6) running on XP home. Opening the
browser shows google.co.uk in the address bar, but the progress bar
shows eurosamp.com for a half second and then
bxnu.com_blah_id?=eurosamp.com/. I take that to mean that my hacker is
sending me to his site and then redirecting to his affiliate account
at bxnu.com hoping to profit from my searches. He's obviously a dick
tho - no matter what search I run from his affiliate page, it simply
refreshes the page again!
I assume these are Russian scum who are immune to complaints to hosts,
so how do I get my browser back. Like I say, I'd *much* prefer to
track him down and remove all of his fingers with a pair of pliers,
but I'll settle for having control of my browser back again. I'm
running Norton Internet Security 2006 (employers choice not mine)
which is fully updated. Is there any point in complaining to bxnu
about their affiliate or are they likely to laugh and ignore me? And
what do I need to do to return Explorer to its previous state? (I cant
run a system restore - I just get a message saying "cannot restore
to..." - really useful error message, that!)