Today after some looking around the web, I restarted my computer it went to
a web site that I had never heard of, this site had become my home page. I
went to the tools and reset my home page back to the site that I want to
keep and it worked fine until I restarted my computer again and then it went
back to the site that I do not want. Does anyone have any idea how to get
rid of this permanetly. I don't want to have to keep changing it back to my
home page every time that I restart my system.
a web site that I had never heard of, this site had become my home page. I
went to the tools and reset my home page back to the site that I want to
keep and it worked fine until I restarted my computer again and then it went
back to the site that I do not want. Does anyone have any idea how to get
rid of this permanetly. I don't want to have to keep changing it back to my
home page every time that I restart my system.