Browser Freezes (Article ID : 816769)


Steve Zimmelman

My browser started freezing after I installed QuickBooks2005. I don't know
if that's a related issue, but it certainly fits the time-line.

KB Article ID 816769 describes the problem exactly. iexplore.exe remains as
a process even though it does not display as an active application.;en-us;816769

The artilce says the fix is to replace the user32.dll with these attributes:

Date: 21-Mar-2003
Time: 12:22
Size: 528,896

However, the version of user32.dll I have on my system has these:

Version: 5.1.2600.2622
Created: Tuesday, January 01, 1980, 3:00:00 AM
Modified: Wednesday, March 02, 2005, 1:09:30 PM

It appears that the version I have on my system is more recent than the "hot

Does anyone know what else might be causing this and perhaps how to fix it?
If the fix is to replace user32.dll, where can I get it? The KB does not
offer that information.

My browser version is listed as:
Version: 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519
Update Versions:; SP2;


Steve Zimmelman

Please don't tell me to eliminate spyware, I Have a clean system that is
monitored and scanned weekly and updated daily.

BTW, I am using XP pro W/SP2, 1 gig ram, 60 gig HD.

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